In our practice, we use the minimally invasive, muscle-sparing AMIS technique for hip arthroplasty. The AMIS method is the gentlest method for hip surgery, as no muscles, tendons or nerves are cut or nicked on the way to the hip joint. The result is a significantly faster recovery time and return to everyday life and unchanged muscle function for occupational and sporting activities.
AMIS stands for “Anterior Minimally Invasive Surgery” and describes the muscle- and tissue-sparing approach to the hip joint from the front: an anatomically logical and very gentle approach. This special approach significantly reduces the risk of tearing the gluteal muscles. The risk of damage to the nerve tracts is also minimised.
The AMIS technique is performed in the supine position and the incision is made on the front of the thigh. The hip prosthesis is then inserted, leaving the muscle cords and nerve structures intact.